Accordion mode
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
Toggle mode
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
If you are submitting your application online, you can pay the Registration Fee online using either a debit or credit card. Applications can only be processed once the Registration Fee has been paid.
Daycare yang cukup variatif karena memberikan stimulus-stimulus sesuai dengan perkembangan usia anak. Kegiatan-kegiatan nya pun dirancang dengan cara Growing Tree sendiri, sesuai dengan tipe parenting yang saya terapkan. Lingkungannya di dalam komplek, nyaman, mataharinya cukup, halaman yang berumput, jadi saya pilih di Growing aja!
Tempat yang asik, tempat main yang enak untuk Zilla, terus kakak-kakaknya juga baik-baik, yang jelas Zilla suka pokoknya disini. Kalau peningkatan ke Zilla nya gede banget, mulai dari incidental sampai sekarang ke playgroup fullday udah lebih mandiri banget, udah tau yang namanya berdoa, udah tau caranya pakai baju sendiri. Banyak kesenangan yang saya rasakan setelah Zilla masuk Growing Tree, dari mulai ngomongnya sudah semakin lancar, sosialnya jadi lebih bagus karena punya temen makin banyak, dan Zilla lebih humble
Kegiatan untuk bermain anak-anak temanya bagus, jadi melebihi ekspektasi saya ketika masuk Growing Tree di awal. Semenjak Zhiva masuk Growing Tree jadi banyak peningkatannya, ceritanya jadi lebih banyak. Kalau dulu Zhiva ngobrolnya cenderung sedikit, sekarang jadi hobi cerita. Saya yakin dengan Growing Tree ketika lihat kakak-kakaknya, capable di bidang ini, jadi saya tambah yakin untuk titipkan anak saya disini
These two fantastic events are always a highlight of our festive calendar. Our students performed brilliantly and we hope the audiences enjoyed the recitals, as our festive efforts!
Icon boxes
Pricing table
- Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games and activities
- Camping on Mountains
- School Bus
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games
- $16per month
- $14per month
- Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games and activities
- Camping on Mountains
- School Bus
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games
- $30per month
- $28per month
- Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games and activities
- Camping on Mountains
- School Bus
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games
- $40per month
- $38per month
- Languages: Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games and activities
- Camping on Mountains
- School Bus
- Cafeteria: Breakfast, Lunch, Supper
- Sport games